Sucker for a Happy Ending...
June 24, 2011
Last night I got an email from a wonderful family letting me know that they just got Pre Approval to adopt a child found here on Five of My Own.
Can I tell you how happy that makes me.
One less orphan.
One more forever.
mmmmm...melt my heart and make me all sorts of warm and gooey.such good stuff dont you think?
nice job click nation ...we are back to #2. keep it up please...we have a long way to go!
Can I tell you how happy that makes me.
One less orphan.
One more forever.
mmmmm...melt my heart and make me all sorts of warm and gooey.such good stuff dont you think?
There are still a couple Five of My Own Kids Waiting for someone to step forward and make them part of a family.
Please don't forget them...
they need their happy ending too
they need their happy ending too