Nina Beatrice Printy
"Nina Bea"
Born December 25, 2006
Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Meetcha November 3, 2008
Home Forever January 7, 2009
Our Adoption Time Line
12/18/2007...Home Study Update Visit for Kazakhstan.
12/20/2007...Filed I-824, to change from China to Kaz.
1/2/2008...Sign Agency Agreement with Adoption ARK. another paper chase begins!
1/10/2008...Fingerprints sent for FBI clearance.
1/11/2008...New I-171H received. (Change of country
1/23/2008...FBI clearance received.
2/2/2008...Home Study Update received.
2/5/2008...Dossier to Adoption ARK
2/7/2008...AA informs us that we need additional copies
2/12/2008...recv returned dossier from AA
2/13/2008...Corrected Submission to Adoption ARK
2/14/2008...AA reveives dossier for 2nd time.
2/15/2008...Dossier is sent for Translation
3/3/2008...Translation is complete and dossier is now sent for review by AA attorney (this is a new step in the process following a suspension in the DC Embassy)
3/24/2008...AA Attorney requested additional changes to dossier, including a minor change on our homestudy.
4/1/2008...Sent additional information/changes for dossier via overnight mail.
5/1/2008...Dossier sent to the Kazakhstan Embassy in Washington, DC
5/23/2008...Dossier Approved by the Embassy.
5/27/2008...Dossier to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (this week).
6/19/2008...Dossier to the Ministry of Education.
7/16/2008...Assigned to Ust-Kamenogorsk region
10/9/2008...The Call!! Agency notifies us there is a healthy 21 mo old girl who needs a family! To which we respond YES, YES, YES!
10/13/2008...LOI Recieved
11/1/2008...1st trip
11/3/2008...Meet Nina! (first bonding day)
11/27/2008...Home (first trip total 27 days)
12/12/2008...Adoption Decree issued
12/21/2008...2nd trip
1/7/2009...Home Forever (second trip total 17 days)
Our Kazakhstan Adoption Agency 830 S. Buffalo Grove Road #103
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
T. (847) 215-2755
F. (847) 215-2757
Photos From Our 1st Trip to Kazakhstan