Donations for China

 April 7, 2011

On June 6th I will be traveling with an amazing group of people to Chen Zhou China.  We will be working under the auspices of Visiting Orphans with several orphanages in the region.  Our goal is to provide relief to orphanage workers and basic care, play and stimulation to the children living in these orphanages.

As a member of the team I am paying for all of my own expenses (approximately $3,500) and I will also be making a personal donation that combined with other donations will be used to purchase a larger items needed by the orphanage (such as a washing machine, heaters, water filtration systems, playground equipment etc). 

We are also currently in discussions with a group that will provide for a $150 fee, medical supply kits that can be transported as checked luggage when we travel.  (Looks like I only get to bring whatever clothes and personal items fit in my back pack!)

All really good and exciting stuff.

Anyone who has adopted a child from an orphanage understands the tug on your heart to give back to those children still waiting.  I feel blessed to be able to do so in such a hands on and personal way.  But not everyone can pick up and go to work in an orphanage for two weeks.

But everyone can help in some way!

If you have been looking for a way to give back here is your chance!!

Our mission team is looking for donations of the following basic care supplies. 

30 --cans of powdered SOY formula--any brand
20-bottles of baby shampoo
20--bottles of baby bath wash
30--wet wipe refills
4--single bed- water proof pads
10  DEPENDS-MENS  -size small--for our older boys with this problem
10--Triaminic--THIN STRIPS--ALLERGY--children's--for the kids who can't chewable or liquid type.
10--TRIAMINIC--THIN STRIPS--DAY--  cough and cold  for kids
10--TRIAMINIC--THIN STRIPS--NIGHT-cough and cold  for kids
12--boxes of band-aids
10-- bottles of gummie- fish oil
10--botttles of gummie--vitamin D
20--bottles of regular shampoo
2--commet cleansers--wrap in plastic bags
10--poster paints--with variety of colors
10--crib mirrors--for child development--to hang on the inside of the cribs
4--6 boxes of sandwich zip lock bags

If you can donate an item please contact me here. 

Blessings, Lori

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