Leaving the Circle
April 10, 2012
After careful consideration I have decided to withdraw from the Circle of Moms Top 25 Adoption Blogs contest.
Unfortunately the contest has generated controversy (I know right?) due to;
- changing the description of the contest from the 2011 contest while automatically entering the 2011 blog entries into this year's contest. (I found mine there after reading about it on another blog-I did not actually add my blog to the 2012 contest).
- attempting to "correct" this by amending the participation terms and removing blogs that did not in their opinion meet the new rules. This created a group of really unhappy campers (some of whom want to take out their disappointment on me.)
I do wish they had handled the "problem" once known with a bit more sensitivity and thought but then again it's a silly contest that's really about driving traffic to their site right?
Maybe next year they could have a contest called the Top 25 Adoption Triad Blogs and include a rule of mutual respect and a "no antagonistic comments" pledge. That might be interesting.
I do want to thank all of my click-tastic friends and supporters who voted for Five of My Own. I hope you will forgive me for wasting your time. I know you will understand that given all I have on my plate these days adding any extra drama just isn't a good idea.
Besides what I wrote in my last post....I mean it.
Love you all and thank you again,