Kazakhstan Approval of New Hague Convention Adoption Process
April 9, 2012
From the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State website
"The Ministry of Education and Science, the Central Authority of Kazakhstan, has confirmed that the governmental decree approving its new policies to process intercountry adoptions and accredit adoption agencies in Kazakhstan goes into effect on Thursday, April 5, 2012.
The Government of Kazakhstan will begin accepting applications for accreditation from potential adoption service providers on April 9, 2012, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Information on the new accreditation process and the new adoption procedures will be available on the Central Authority's website shortly."
Hopfully this means the international adoption doors in Kazakhstan will be reopening soon. I also hope it means a more ethical and better regulated process. I visited with way too many kids last fall who have international adoption as their only viable chance for a family.