Circle of Moms Top 25
April 9, 2012
Circle of Moms has nominated Five of My Own as a Top 25 Adoption blogs by Moms for 2012. The 25 blogs with the highest vote totals on April 26th will make the final list.
There is no prize other than bragging rights and hopefully an opportunity for increased exposure for new readers.
You can (and I hope you will) vote once every 24 hours. Right now we have a good number of votes but it seems a lot of votes come in at the end of the contest. Last year I was nudged out in the last days and just missed the top 25 (boo).
So you can click the pink circle here and/or the MC link on the right column of this blog or just click this link. Once you get to the page please vote for Five of My Own.
It would be oh so nice of you and totally cool for me to make the list. Thanks.