Our Christmas Angel

 November 17, 2010

The darling little boy under the red arrow is Vanya. He just turned 10 and is in the third grade. Vanya lives with his "family" group (pictured) at the RBS orphanage in Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan. We don't know if Vanya is eligible for adoption or if he will ever have a mother and father to call his own but this week we decided we would sponsor him through the Antares Foundation and in a small way make him part of our family.

Many of the kids in this photo do not yet have sponsors. Those of us who have already sponsored children are working hard to make sure every child has a gift on Christmas morning but more sponsors are needed. The hope is that every child will have their own sponsor family to encourage them and let them know they are loved.

If you want to show gratitude this Thanksgiving in a real and tangible way,

If you've wondered about how to make this Christmas truly miraculous,

If you've always wanted to adopt or adopt another child,

If there is a face in this picture that tugs at your heart

PLEASE contact Antares today.

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