Party Details and more

 February 9, 2009

It has been an eventful few days, where to begin... My sister Lisa arrived on Saturday. My Mother, Nina and I picked her up from the airport at noon. We went to lunch and did a little shopping-a perfect girl's afternoon.

Sunday was Nina's party. We had the party at a local Russian restaurant. We decided to have a traditional Russian menu including caviar, stuffed cabbage, blinis and vodka. We had a band that played/sang Russian music or at least music in Russian. Also we had a "build-a-bear" station for the kids that was very popular. We were touched by the response of our friends and family. We had more than 100 people join us in celebrating the arrival of our dear daughter.

One special guest was Becki Stone. PAP and fellow blogger. (I have added her to my "friends I've met" sidebar) Becki was a wonderful supporter and cheerleader during our adoption. It turned out we live near each other. It was so cool to finally meet her in person, she is just as sweet and positive in person. She is working hard to bring her baby boy home and I can't wait until we can have some KZ play dates for our KZ kids.

And life continues after the party...
Today we had our visit by the "Help Me Grow" developmental assessment team. We were pleased to hear what we already knew, Nina has no developmental delays. In fact she is either on target or ahead of target for her age. Even in language, where she is speaking English as a second language, she is on level. With 50 English words now she is actually on the high end of language achievement (so they tell us). Her fine and gross motor skills measure above age level. Everything else is "on target". Pretty amazing given that she was in orphanage care for 16 month. Based on all we read we fully expected to see a 6 month or so delay. (It looks like Nina's only area of concern is her small size,(she is still the size of an average American 1 year old). Also her TB test is coming back abnormal but she does not show any sign of disease and we have chosen to retest in 6 months. )

PS-oh yes life continues after the party... let us not miss this one...this afternoon, my trainer called me to see how the adoption went and find out when I would be back in the gym. Hmmmm, I'll check my schedule??? He says if he doesn't hear from me tonight, he will be calling me back tomorrow. Crap, a stalker.

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