Travel Update

 December 22, 2008

We made it to Almaty. More amazing though all 10 checked bags made it here too!

We've had a much rougher trip this time around. Big delays in Detriot left us more than 4 hours behind. No harm since we had an 8 hour layover in Amsterdam but it did force us to cut out the tour of the city. (KLM is not nearly as nice as Lufthansa. Just my two cents-go thru Franfurt on Lufthansa.) The last flight did however have a little extra in flight entertainment-two drunk Russians in a fist fight. Yup, 30,000 feet up and right by the exit door. Now you may have noticed my hubby is a big guy, sooooo, Big Guy to the rescue! There was a mom and baby sitting right by the rumble and Dart immediately got between the baby and the fight and then, shall we say, "settled them down". As we exited there were several rather stearn Kazakh police officer on the jet way. Oh well, don't drink and fly.

We are now killing time at the airport until it is time for our last flight to Ust. I'm getting really REALLY, excited to see-no get-my daughter. It's almost Christmas time in Kazakhstan.

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