When are we due?......in 3-4 years!!!!! Yup that's what the wait for a referral is by the time we get our LID. So we expect to have our daughter sometime in 2010 or 2011.
What was Special Today?
One thing I've added to my day's end journaling is a mention of what was
special about that day. It doesn't have to be something huge - maybe I
tried a r...
Something to Say ‘Yes’ To
I prefer to think of the start of a new week, a new day, or anytime in
terms of Yeses and No’s. What Yeses and No’s can you put in place for
better boun...
The Month of Love~
Starting off with these beautiful faces... SJ took EC for a sister birthday
treat while Scott and I were in Greenville. This photo made my day!!!
Scott, H...
'OBX schoolcation' {respect for the Wrights}
*thursday, october 22, 2020*
On Tuesday we arrived at the Wright Brothers National Memorial just before
closing time but when we learned that our admission...
Hannah's Trip (January 11th)
We are close to pushing off.  We are so thankful to each of you for your
prayers, provision, sacrifices, and love. We had planned to travel with
that R...
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
Five Questions about the Duan Family Trafficking
The recent interest in the Hunan scandal, and the Duan family specifically,
spurred by their being featured in Nanfu Wang's "One Child Nation,"
prompted so...
Christmas Party - #1!
A company Christmas party - our first as business owners, is a good reason
to dust off the old blog, huh?
We really have some amazing employees. It's bee...
You Can Take the Girl Out of the Funny Farm....
You can take the girl out of the funny farm, but it seems you can't take
the funny farm out of the girl.
A couple of years ago, I posted that I was closing...
Three Tiny Tables
The Grand Opening has come and gone, and through the utter exhaustion we
are all feeling there is a collective understanding that something very,
very s...
The Gaping Hole In U.S. Intercountry Adoption Law
When the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 took effect in February 2001 it left
a gaping hole in the International Adoptee community. While it was heralded
The weather has cooled down now and I am so looking forward to more hikes.
We haven't really gotten back to hiking regularly since the super typhoon
that ...
~Three Weeks Til Kitty~
John David and I are going to Atlanta in three weeks to pick up our new
kitten. He has remained real...I did not buy a beanie baby scam kitten!
His ten we...
Seattle Day 4 7/09/2018
Today was zoo day. It was a nice and beautiful day again.
We spent about 7 hours there and then came home as some people feet
and hips were getting sore....
Remembering 2017
We were driving in the car a few weeks ago and Sadie piped up, "Man. 2017
feels like a scooter to the ankle." I think I said something like, "Amen,
October 2017
Slowly October starts to feel and look like fall...slowly.
Sometimes summer lingers and I continue to sweat when strolling casually to
the mailbox.
Since its establishing in 1916, The PGA of America has kept up a twofold
mission: to build up and raise the measures of the calling and to develop
*To my four beautiful, wonderful, amazing kids who work extra hard, deal
with so much, and so long for healing peace, I love you. You fill me with
joy, dr...
Two Hikes, Two Years Apart
I remember the nurse’s name as being Al, even though it probably wasn’t,
but the man was practically an Al Franken tribute band, with the look and
feel o...
Screaming Goats and Insane Morons
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over
the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that
authorizes it an...
Following His Steps... to St Anne's Chapel
This was my second visit to St Anne's Chapel, but last year I obviously
missed the significance. God had a special surprise for me today... This
Meet McKinley
On our last day at our 2ndorphanage I was able to spend time with Ms
McKinley is 12 years old.
I think everyone on the team had a chance to s...
Happy 9th Birthday Kate!
Holy moly my youngest is nine.
Who on earth told her she could go ahead and grow up?
No seriously who? We need to have a chat, because I am not ready ...
I waited until 11pm because that's what I had promised you. I wasn't really
surprised when you didn't come home...again. You haven't spent a night at
home ...
Parent failure 101
Good grief, yet another parent fail.
But this is a big one. No planned Ullery vacation this summer. I'm not
sure how this happened. We talked about goi...
Travel Problems
My husband was supposed to arrive home today, but due to flight problems is
still stuck in China. He's had a hard time accessing internet, but he did
The Tooth Fairy
Emily lost her first tooth.
The family tooth fairy handed her 50 cents.
(Teeth are cheap in a family with six kids.)
I think Alex was seriously consider...
Week 8-13 recap
So, I sort of fell off the face of the planet here. I kept exercising,
doing my thing, and only missed 1-2 workouts total! I also ran a 5k (for
real), ran ...
Hi, my name is Erica and I'm a tan-a-holic.
Now that we got that out of the way, I will try and explain to you exactly
why I have created this page. For the last 15 years (wow, now I feel old) I
Chinese New Year Chapter Books for Older Kids
There are many lists about Chinese New Year books for preschoolers and
young elementary students, but very few highlight chapter books for middle
graders a...
A look back at 2015
Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful 2015.
Here's a look back at ours, which started with ringing in the new year at
Roy’s in Pebble Beach.
our parenting looks questionable
This past summer, we visited our daughter's church in SC. We were excited
since we've heard messages delivered by this pastor before, but never at
one of...
Ruth's heart surgery
When we adopted Ruth we knew we would one day have to return to CHOP. We
knew this would be extremely difficult. The same sights, sounds and
emotions f...
Mavery's Heart Surgery
This morning I read back over my blog from 2009, Mavery’s first heart
surgery with us.
We have come so far.
Right before we left for the hospital
PEAR Advisory Alert for DRC
On June 2, 2015, the Department of State issued a new alert which
supersedes the alert of October 6, 2014. This newest alert *strongly
recommends agains...
Em here~
Wow, where has the time gone?
Chances are, no one will even see this. But just in case, I wanted to share
what's up!! Remember me?!
Believe it or not...
Our Vacation Music Video!
We took vacation. A pretty cool one at that.
12 states
2 countries
2 silly little girls
2 fun-loving parents
1 AWESOME vacation!!!
So, to remember ...
Simply Love T-shirts
I have a friend.
Her name is Marjorie St. John. She had to have a serious, emergency
surgery this past week.
When we started our adoption process back ...
Book Review: Love & War Devotional for Couples
Having recently celebrated 18 years of marriage to Steve, the reminder for
me to do this book review came at the perfect time! Steve and I went
through thi...
Birthdays, Grandbaby and Christmas
Another 2-1/2 months has went by and so much has happened. Jayden
celebrated his sixth birthday.
Maylin got free tickets to the circus.
and ...
Happy New Year!
This year, we donned our finest pirate garb and rang in the new year on the
high seas (Disney Carribean Cruise). If you have kids, you really can't
beat th...
We celebrated National Adoption Day last weekend, and it occurred to me
that the last time I posted in this blog was this exact same same time 3
years ago,...
November is Adoption Awareness Month
I love that November is Adoption Awareness month, as it is the month I met
my little guy. 3 years ago last Sunday I met Denis for the first time. I
can't ...
My sense of security…
I like to be in control. I like to know what is GOING to happen. I like
being prepared for what ever may be ahead of me. You would think by now I
would ...
Well, Hello There
Hello! How are you? I miss writing here so much! But that is not what I am
here today to say.
[image: Adoption Blogger Interview Project 2013]
The Adoptio...
Dialing Daddy's number
It's past the boys' bedtime. Knowing that daddy's Miami Dolphins are on,
they both came crawling onto his lap with Andrew asking to watch "just a
few pl...
Our adventures to Heritage Camp
If you have read our blog at all, you know we have two sons. One who is
Chinese and one who is Kazak. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to find
events t...
County Fair!
What a night at the County Fair!!
Tye and Gabe and their friends Ty and Reed took 1st Place in the "Grease
the Pig" contest in the 10 and under division! ...
5 Best Beach Reads
Coach and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary today. We are not fancy
people- neither of us require expensive gifts or gourmet dinners and hip
and fashi...
Exciting News and more Thank You's!
We are so excited to tell you that we have not only met our goal of $2500
for beds in Korah, but we have exceeded it with $2870!! We are so excited
to see...
He's got the WHOLE world in HIS hands...
Little a. did indeed turn 4!
His birthday party was a fun celebration
of the *miracle of his little life*
*praise to HIM* who holds us
*all* in the pa...
Birthdays and Blogs.
*At her first birthday party, surrounded by her parents and uncle, and
dozens of friends of all ages, Xiao Ya Ellyse digs into the chocolate cake
and prep...
6 Months - The Start of a Lifetime
Six months has come and gone and the most amazing transformation in our
lives is still this tiny tot who is ingrained in every fiber of our family.
It's only been a year!!
Wow, slacker city!
2012 brought a lot of changes to the Pierce household. I guess the biggest
one was the kids all started private school. Yes, all 5. I ...
Culture, Christmas & Adoption
Somehow, in all the years I've watched Miracle on 34th Street, I've managed
to miss this scene until this year, where a Dutch girl comes to see Macy's
Fw: Adopt a family
----- Original Message -----
*From:* Kevin Hallgarth
*To:* Amy Kline
*Sent:* Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: Adopt a family
Has it ...
I Need Your Prayers
It's been over a year since I last posted to this blog, and this may be my
last post on it. A year ago things were so wonderful, at least in my mind
they ...
life's a riot
Sunday in Guangzhou was definitely not peaceful! We were scheduled to go
out shopping with our agency for a little while in the morning, and with a
Throwing sand into the sky: Adoption talk and loss
. “You’re the best mommy in the whole world,” Molley said several times a
week. “I don’t want any other mommies. Just you.” I can recite that line in
my ...
Happy Anniversary International Dad
Sometimes words just can’t express what one feels. This is so true when I
think about the International Dad. Father to our kiddos. My hubby. The big
guy. I...
Glad for the Reminder...
I've kind of let (made) myself put "moving to China" on the back burner in
my mind. Not because the passion and need to go there has left
me...actually qui...
Guest Post- Justin’s thoughts on DBU
This post is a scholarship entry that Justin has prepared. For details, if
you want to try for the scholarship also, are in a link at the end. My name
is J...
Jump Rope for Heart
Lukas' school participated in Jump Rope for Heart. On the last day of
fundraising the school holds a jump rope exhibition and celebration.
Sorry for t...
The Past Week
*Has been a rough one. Late last week, we found out that Liya's baseline
(20 minute) EEG was normal. Why is that a bad thing? Well, it's not...it's
just th...
Home Tour- Living Room & Dining Room
I snapped a few pix of my living room earlier today and I've spotted a few
things could look a bit more organized, but you all know that I live with a
3 an...
Yes...We are Alive
I'm so very sorry that it has taken me so long to post. We are alive :O)
Mia is such a treasure and is thriving at home with our family. We are all
in ...
LOI, PA, and home study visits
OK, well my cousin Jennifer seems to care what is happening in the world of
Gavin (ZZ) so I will share even if she is my only reader:) Anyway, We sent
in L...
We've moved!
Please come visit our new (and much improved) website *here*.
And, if you are following us through Google or feedburner, *be sure to*
*resubscribe* so you ...
dress rehearsal
Abby had dress rehearsal for dance for her AFFECT group this weekend.
AFFECT is the competition dance group that she is participating in this
year. She is ...
New Beginnings = New Blog !
With the new year comes new beginnings. So as we start out the year with
lots of excitement as we plan to bring home our sweet baby boy , I thought
it was ...
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
Yesterday, my husband suggested that instead of driving to the nearest
Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
Little something for the teachers
I saw this idea on Pinterest and had to replicate it.
Source:UCREATE via pintrest
I did it really simply and it only took about 5min for both bottles.
School days....3 year old class here we come!
I have been horrid about Leeza's blog. With facebook, it's hard to make
time for both, but I need to get better and at least include the
So, I've been trying to outline the crazy spiritual journey that's been
taking place in my heart, and Eric's heart, for the past few years. (post 1,
post 2...
Moving the Blog
After a lot of thought I have decided to move our blog. My posts now are
mostly for our extended family and for our kids to look back on when they
are olde...
December 2nd part!
Maria looking cute in her outfit from aunt Lianro!
Trying out the sled... as you can see it did not go over well with Maria...
she just laid back and scre...
2010 was such a whirlwind! We hope to take it a bit slower in 2011 and take
the time to enjoy every moment with Maysen! Time goes so fast! My hope is
for a...
Merry Christmas!
Cousin Trey reading me a book.
Now it's Cousin Drew's turn.
Cousin Casey playing with "Cinnamon and Sugar".
Cousin Lauren snuggling with "Sugar and Cinnam...
Christmas time is here! We love watching Gianna take it all in. She has
really enjoyed the decorating of the tree, the Christmas pajamas and
meeting Santa...
Happy Holidays Indeed
Major Loves Latkes!
One year ago, I wrote the following entry.
Just last night I looked at the pile of Hannukah gifts for my kids and
thought, well, I ...
A Sweet Gift...first photo
The earliest photos we have of Emma Lynn are her referral photos likely
taken around her first birthday, November 2008 and after her cleft was
repaired. To...
August already?
Garrett starts school in a little over a week and yet this summer seems to
be dragging on forever. Lately everything in my life has been relentless:
the he...
Now Scheduling Appointments
Not satisfied with your current hair salon? Mitch & Jake's Barber Shop
offers cheap, fast, and friendly service. Schedule your appointment today.
What a Month......will get ya!!!!
Ian has been home for one month and what a wild moth it has been. Here is a
list of first that Little Man has experienced.
1) Plane ride from Hell....what ...
New Photos From Katie’s Foster Sister Lili
[image: 035_035]
Today I received some priceless photos from our new friends who adopted
Katie’s foster sister Lili a few weeks ago. They had the came...
Time is flying by!
I can not believe that we have been home now for almost 2 months. It seems
like Zoe has always been a part of our lives and I can't believe how fast
time i...
- The blogs are broken into four sections: In Kaz, In Process, At Home, and
then a category for those who are at home and have started the process
Need A Blog Makeover???
I wanted to share with you a lady that did a blog makeover for one of my
other blogs. I spent many hours trying to add special features without any
luck. Y...
I cannot believe that it has been so long since I have updated! January and
February have brought us so much fun and excitement! With being in Michigan
we ...
A really loooong day(s)
It all started Thursday our time. We had an 2:00 appointment at the U.S.
consulate to pick up Lisi's passport and visa. From there we bussed to the
Hard to believe, it was 1 year ago
We can't believe that one year ago today we left for Kazakhstan. Our lives
were forever changed and the year has flown by. When we started this
process we ...
Packing up....
...and moving out!!....
The time has come to move on to a new blog....reasoning is posted on the
NEW home! So for more adventures with Adam as we continue...
Christmas At The Wright House!
We had a fantastic Christmas! Logan had so much fun playing in the wrapping
paper and stealing the bows off of the presents. Last year we always said,
" Ne...
3 Weeks and 2 days later...
Sorry it has taken me so long to post. The last few weeks feel like a
blur. This post is a bit long...hang in there!
We arrived home at 2:00 AM on Novemb...
November 19th - Final Blog
Well we finally have the time to close out our blog. The internet wasn't
working the last two nights in Almaty so we never got to update anything.
Then get...
THIS is worth coming out of hibernation for; 9 News out of Denver, Colorado
reports- “LITTLETON – It’s something many of us may take for granted,
knowing y...
Home - and about town
Well, I must admit, I was pretty proud of Susanna on her first two plane
trips. While she was not particularly impressed (or even remotely
observant) of ta...
We're Finally Home!
It's hard to believe, but we made it home!
I can't believe how amazing Rylan was on the planes. He's definately a
traveller - or he was just so excited ...
Asher is ready to travel home
Dad and Asher up in the mountains in Almaty
Asher waiting in the Dr.'s office.....
Asher's first camel ride...There are painted camels all over the cit...