Twice As Nice (aka: something to do while I wait!)

 February 9, 2010

Well what used to be the Queen Bea's Room is going to be transformed to the "girl's" bedroom. Eeee gads that' right they are going to share a bedroom! I shared a room with my two sisters and never really thought much about it. All three of us were in that room together until I went to college, (looking back this might explain some of my fascination with the Brady Bunch, but I digress) bottom line we survived. I don't think many kids share rooms these days, at least not in our neighborhood. Most don't even share a bathroom (sorry girls you'll be sharing that too!). Cripes when I grew up we had one bathroom for the whole family. Perhaps Mike Brady designed our house??

So for the second time in a little over a year I am decorating a girl's bedroom. I picked up a set of vintage twin beds with faux bamboo details before I even knew we were going to adopt two girls. I am having them refinished and hand painted. As soon as they are ready I will transform the room from one toddler occupancy to two. I picked up most of the bedding today (a few things will be shipped later). As you can see we are staying with a whole lot of pink! I will post the pics of the completed room as soon as we are finished. I think it's going to be twice as nice as the last room!

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