Ready to Roll

 July 28, 2008

Well after much deliberation I finally bought a stroller today. I decided on a Bugaboo Cameleon in grey with a pink liner (of course). Now I know this may not seem like such a big deal but let me tell you I've bought cars with less stress! I cannot believe the choices there are now. How on earth could there be so many changes since the last time I bought a stroller 9 years ago? I mean sure it's almost a decade but give me a break, there are actually strollers that unfold themselves. So I researched, read reviews, scoured the Internet, test drove models in the baby stores and even stopped unsuspecting stroller pushing parents on the street. So I settled on the Bugaboo and how could I be wrong: it is THE stroller for all of the chic NYC moms as well as the celebrity set, which of course means it will be perfect for a middle aged, Midwest, suburban soccer mom like me :) Mostly though I like that I will be able to reverse the handle bar and see my dear daughter while we stroll. After this long wait I know I won't want to let her out of my sight!!

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