Finding Ad

 February 5, 2010

Today in the mail I had a wonderful little surprise, Macy's Chinese "Finding Ad". 

Since 1999 when a child is found abandoned in China the orphanages have been required to publish an Orphan Announcement in the provincial newspaper.  Often called a Finding Ad the paper lists all of the children that have been "found" and are in the care of the orphanage.  The ad must run for at least three days and generally contain information about where the child was found, the date the child was found along with the child's estimated date of birth.

We are in receipt of the the actual newspaper from December 8, 2007 when Macy's Finding Ad was published. The paper is the "Guizhou City Daily" and on that day there were eight beautiful children listed.  (also there are photos of George Bush, Kanye West, Pamela Anderson and Santa!)

Macy's ad has been translated as follows;

Fu Li Ping
A girl
She was born on July 25,2006 (she had surgery done already)
On August 25, 2006, she was found at Pingdong Square by the Pingdong Police Station, Xingyi city.

While this is a part of Macy's history at least one of the facts is incorrect.  She was not born on July 25.  We know this because her first foster mother told us that they took custody of Macy on August 25th at 9 am.  At that time she was clearly a newborn with her umbilical cord attached.  Her correct birthday then is August 24, 2006. 

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