Hello Again?
August 8, 2014
Thinking I might start blogging here again....
Yes. I think I will.
Thinking I might start blogging here again....
Yes. I think I will.
Sharing a few posts from my new blog....
In case you missed it I am now blogging at Bearing Witness (www.allmyeyescansee.com).
What we did in Ethiopia
In total we saw more than 400 patients for conditions ranging from simple earaches to severe meningitis. Medical conditions treated included; mumps, pneumonia, fungal infections, herpes (face) infection, a buckle fracture, lacerations, wound care and secondary wound infections as well as complications to leprosy, TB, Typhoid and Aids...
I've decided to do a little something different.
After a much needed blog-cation I'm ready to write again...just not here. While I may still from time to time talk about adoption and maybe even give an update on my kiddos on "Five Of My Own" for the most part I'm going to be writing here.
On our last day in Kaz our team traveled an hour an a half south to the Karakastek orphanage. We only got to spend a short time there but were happy to have a chance to love on these sweet children. These are the oldest children living here.
We had the privledge of delivering toys and other donations sent by a sweet young girl who herself was adopted from this baby house. She recently had a birthday and in lieu of gifts for herself asked her friends to bring gifts for the children living in the Karakastek orphanage. Amazing!
We played with the kids and broke in all their new toys. We then fed them bananas and cookies and gave them as many hugs and kisses as we could get in during the short time we were given.
After visiting many orphanages in Kazakhstan I must say this place is the worst I've seen and I'm sickened to think about the places they wont let us see.
At one point I asked our team to be quiet. We had 20 toddlers in the room and there was complete and utter silence...which said it all. These sweet babies are expressionless, broken in spirit and desperately in need of love.
Please say a little extra prayer for all of these sweet babies.
There are currently
117 children age newborn to 4 years living at the Baby House in Ust Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. At the present time international adoptions from Kazakhstan by US citizens is closed.
Adoptions however are still happening just not at the same rate. We were told during our visit that every infant was already matched with adoptive parents and we observed one preschool girl who was bonding with her Kazakh adoptive parents. While encouraging there are many children in this orphanage and throughout Kazakhstan still in need of adoption, especially older children and children with special needs.
And these kids want need deserve families...One particularly precocious little girl walked straight to me, pulled hard on my arm and demanded, " When is my mother coming for me?...I've been waiting a long time...I want to go home!"
What will we as a society say to this girl and all the other children asking the same question?
Who will come for them?
How much longer will they have to wait?
Victory Day marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War (also known as the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union). It was first inaugurated in the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the surrender document late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May, by Moscow Time). The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin.[1] Though the official inauguration happened in 1945 (which means it has been celebrated since 1946), the holiday became a non-labour day only in 1965 and only in some of the countries.
In the former Soviet Union this festival was celebrated to commemorate the Red Army's victory over the Nazi forces.
My name's sergey and i was adopted from almaty in 2002 and would like to let everyone know that my orphanage was horrible and mean the nannies were strict and abusive and the different groups were...
So beautiful!
Hi! I recently came across your blog and I found out that your kids were adopted from the same orphanage as me! I was adopted when I was 1 year and 7 months old (now 13). I am doing a project for...
Five of My Own: Return to Ust Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan · 7 years ago
way to spin that good for you
Your amazing
so cool
sorry for some of the typos below I'm using talk to text. my jaw dropped not my job lol. and I was referring to his co host being mortified.
Five of My Own: Pat Robertson; Who the Heck is Watching This Junk?? · 10 years ago
wow what an ass!! tooth co-hosted must have been mortified! I don't normally ever watch the show but it happens to come on this morning and he made a comment about heroin initially being a...
Five of My Own: Pat Robertson; Who the Heck is Watching This Junk?? · 10 years ago
"Unfortunately, I feel I more often see parents who should NOT be parents." Ann, you hit the nail right on the head. The only two good things I can put about adoption is 1), there is less of it...
Five of My Own: Pat Robertson; Who the Heck is Watching This Junk?? · 10 years ago
off the wall /pray for Egypt trouble is coming their way ...GOD...SAY'S
Five of My Own: Pat Robertson; Who the Heck is Watching This Junk?? · 10 years ago
ahhhh yes please do start blogging again. So funny, I was just trying to track down an old email exchange we had a few years ago. hoping to head to China in the next 6 months or so and may want to...
Thank you! My feelings as an adoptee have never been respected on any level from my family. I'm 46 yrs old & my non adopted brother is 54 yrs old and still treats me with jealousy and contempt. I...
This was truly thoughtful, loving and compassionate; I wish there was more APs who get it like you obviously do. I am jaded from personal experience, just when I've nearly lost hope for most of...
Wow, I hope that a year has changed you. I am an adoptee too, but you need to understand the kind of coercion and societal pressures most natural moms experience. They are not abandoning their...
Can you please tell me how to make contacts to visit orphanges and serve in some capacity?
What a beautiful blog. So helpful and encouraging. Thank you.
Adoptions in Kaz are currently closed to US citizens. Sadly KZ is not expected to reopen to Americans any time soon
Lori Printy
Are adoptions possible in Kaz right now? I would love to scoop me up a couple of these kiddos!
I want to climb into these pictures, hug all of these beautiful babies and bring them home to my house. May God bless each of them.
The last picture made me break down into tears. So many memories of that baby house- my son was one of the lucky ones that got out..my heart breaks for all the kids we left behind.